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- Keysight
- Источники лазерного излучения
- Keysight 81960A Fast Swept Compact Tunable Laser Source, 1505nm to 1630nm

Keysight 81960A Fast Swept Compact Tunable Laser Source, 1505nm to 1630nm
Категория - Источники лазерного излучения
Официальный сайт Keysight (США) :
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В нашей компании вы можете выбрать и купить Keysight 81960A Fast Swept Compact Tunable Laser Source, 1505nm to 1630nm, а также другие запчасти от
компании Keysight с доставкой по всей России, в том числе в ваш город : Дублин. Для запроса цен, сроков поставки
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Ключевые возможности и технические характеристики- 1505-1630 nm wavelength range
- ±10 pm wavelength accuracy during sweeping
- 200 nm/s maximum scan speed
- More than 2 repetitions per second with bidirectional sweeping
- Built-in coherence control, Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS) suppression
- New and unique, fully specified bidirectional swept measurements
- Up to 200 nm/s scan speed across 80 nm sweep range
- More than 2 repetitions per second with bidirectional sweeping
- 1505-1630 nm wavelength range for C+L-band measurements of DWDM devices
- Up to +14 dBm output power, adjustable down to +6 dBm
- Automated measurements supported by N7700A measurement engines, updated 816x Plug&Play driver, N4150A Photonic Foundation Library and direct SCPI commands.
- Handle more devices per hour with the help of the 81960A&rsquo,s faster, bidirectional sweeping, and improved data handling between laser, mainframe and power meters.
- Start testing immediately using the new N7700A-102 fast spectral loss engine which provides a GUI interface to the new fast sweep functions of 81960A for power and IL measurements together with the Keysight N7744A or N7745A multiport power meters.
- Adjust and calibrate filter components with a wavelength resolution and dynamic range surpassing that of OSA based measurements, at 3 repetitions per second for a 2 nm span and 1 cycle per second for a 40 nm span.
- Benefit from the laser&rsquo,s enhanced performance in continuous sweeps when performing single-scan PDL and IL measurements using the N7700A-101 IL/PDL measurement engine.
- Perform accurate DGD measurements of isolators, PMF and other broadband components with the JME method by combining 81960A with the N7788B component analyzer for measuring PMD and DGD in addition to PDL and IL.
- Use existing customized programs with the compatibility to the 816x Plug&Play driver, the N4150A Photonic Foundation Library, and to the SCPI command set of the current 8194xA and 8198xA tunable laser modules.
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